Tuesday 30 October 2018

Forces and Motion Project

Forces and Motion- Inventing A Toy

You will make a toy that uses at least ONE of the Forces and Motions or Simple Machines that we have learned about during our Science unit.


Forces and Simple Machine List:
-Push or Pull
-Wheel + Axle

We will be having a "Tantalizing Toy Show" on  Tuesday November 13th, .

The students will present their "Sales Pitch" and toy to a member of the 3A class!!


  • ONE TOY that uses at least ONE force mentioned above ---(can use more)
  • Must have first two (2) pages completed from "Being a Toy Inventor " workbook
  • Self Assessment of  Toy page from "Being a Toy Inventor " workbook
  • ONE labeled drawing/diagram/sketch of toy and how it works- Label parts, simple machines, forces, movement, etc. 
  • A copy of your "Sales Pitch"- It can be a brochure, a sign for your table, A poster, or just a verbal script. It must present a convincing argument and explain the form of energy used and how the toy works with scientific terms


Monday 29 October 2018

October 30th-Part Two

Science- Simple Machines







October 30th



Sides and Corners

Lines of Symmetry

2-D Shapes




Wednesday 24 October 2018

October 24th-Part Two


Newton's First Law of Motion:

Newton's Second Law of Motion:

Newton's Third Law of Motion:

Review 1st, 2nd and 3rd Laws:

Friction Lab

The students through this science lab came to the understanding of how friction works, and will understand that different surfaces allow for different amounts of friction.

Students looked at ten different surfaces and predicted which surfaces will have the most and the least friction.

Push and Pull Lab

As the air rushes out of the balloon, it creates a forward motion called THRUST. Thrust is a pushing force created by energy. In the balloon experiment, our thrust comes from the energy of the balloon forcing the air out. The number of pumps of air we put into the balloon effects the speed and distance because of the added pushing force/thrust created by the air. 

Gravity Lab

It is because of gravity that objects fall to earth! We will try to trick gravity by using physics to makes water in a glass work against gravity.

October 24th

The Writing Process

Prewrite- This is the first stage of writing! You must think about what the topic you are going to write about and come up with ideas. Sometimes you may use a brainstorming graph like the picture below to help you organize these ideas.  

Write- This is the stage where you take these ideas and put them into sentences!

Revise- This is the stage where you add more details and Juicy words to improve your overall writing! Check out this video for a guide to revising your writing!

Edit- This is the stage where you look over your writing and check for grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sight words. Check out the video for an example of how to edit your work!

Publish- This is the last stage! You take the revisions you made and the edits you completed and write one last final good copy to submit for teacher review!

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Class system

Class System in Mesopotamia

Daily life

Ancient Sumer

What were the social classes

Social classes

Mesopotamian Classes

Government and Social classes

The Upper Class
People in the upper class were powerful and wealthy, the upper class included:
the kings
government officials

Priests¢The priests were powerful. The priests shaved their heads.
¢They were in charge of making sure everyone behaved in a way that would make the gods happy.
¢Priests were responsible for developing the economy.
¢Priests distributed land, employed workers and managed trade.
¢They were the doctors of the time. If you were sick, you called for a priest. 
Wealthy Men and Women¢Men and women wore jewelry, especially rings.
¢Men wore skirts and had long hair, curly moustaches, and long beards.
¢Women wore dresses, off one shoulder. They had long hair, which they braided or wore up in fancy arrangements

The Middle Class
The middle class was made up of:FarmersFishermanArtisansMerchants

¢In ancient Sumer, people were paid for their work. If they ran a shop or worked in the fields, they were paid for their goods or labor.
¢Everybody paid, even the king. Stealing was a serious crime and punishment was severe.
¢Although the lower class did not have the luxury lifestyle of the rich, they were comfortable. They worked very hard, but they had homes. ¢They wore jewelry, although perhaps it was not made of gold.
There was no law that said they could not move up the social scale, or more likely, have their children move up the social scale by becoming a scribe, or a priest or priestess

The Lower Class- Slaves ¢Slaves performed all manual and domestic work.  Slaves worked for the king, the temple and the wealthy.
¢Slaves were taken at the end of wars between the city-states.
¢Among the slaves were captured people, debtors, poor children, orphans and criminals.¢Slaves were bought and sold. Records have been found recording the amount paid for a slave. Typically, a slave bought at auction cost less than a donkey but more than a cow.¢Slaves who tried to escape or disobeyed their masters received harsh punishments.¢Despite being the property of their masters, slaves still had many rights. They could hold property, participate in business, marry a free man or women, and eventually even purchase their own freedom. 

Tuesday 2 October 2018

October 2nd-Part Two


We have started our science- Force and Motion unit. We reviewed vocabulary and created a definition of  'motion".

We also learned about Newton's First Law of Motion!

Project Examples

Novel Project Examples

Deary Dairy/My Novel-The Sequel

Novel Art Works

Movie Poster
Mapping It All Out

Rural Research

Rural Research citadel kidzsearch flocabulary quizlet LONG VIDEO: For viewing at home