Monday 18 February 2019

Name Research Project

Webquest Links

  1. Work with a partner and take turns researching each other's names.  
  2. Use the links below to explore the meaning of your name.  You can read about the history of your name, similar names that it may have come from, the country or region of the world it comes from, and how popular your name is. 
  3. Take notes on what you learn about your name on the note-taking page.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Programs in 3B Classroom

Words Their Way Program (W.T.W)

At the start of the new semester we had the addition of a wonderful teacher that in partnership with me, has set up a program called "Words Their Way"or  W.T.W.

What is "Words Their Way?
It is a word study program that individualizes the way students learn to spell. It is a hands on approach to practice spelling patterns and to manipulated the words into different categories. This Sorting process help students analyze, compare and contrast the words they see. This program not only motivate the students to practice spelling words but it also helps students internalize the spelling patterns in words for the future!

Words Their Way Language
Sorting – organizing words into groups based on similarities in their patterns or meaning.

Oddballs – words that cannot be grouped into any of the identified categories of a sort.  Students should be taught that there are always words that “break the rules” and do not follow the general pattern.

Sound marks / / - Sound marks around a letter or pattern tell the student to focus only on the sound rather than the actual letters. (example: the word gem could be grouped into the /j/ category because it sounds like j at the beginning).Vowel (represented by V) – one of 6 letters causing the mouth to open when vocalized (a,e, i, o, u, and sometimes y). A single vowel sound is heard in every syllable of a word.Consonants (represented by C) – all letters other than the vowels.(b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,z) Consonant sounds are blocked by the lips, tongue, or teeth during articulation

M.A.T.H.S Centers

  • M - Mental Math
  • A - At the Teacher’s Desk
  • T - Technology
  • H - Having fun with Games
  • S - Solving Problems

Mental Math -- refers to the practice of doing calculations in your head. It is often used as a way to calculate an estimate quickly through the use of math facts that have been committed to memory; such as multiplication, division, or making doubles.

At the Teacher's Desk -- Providing scaffolding and extra support to students, this also allows the teacher time to check in; with student progress, comprehension, thinking, application, knowledge, etc. This is also a time for small group or one-on-one sessions to take place. 

Technology -- Using online games, apps, or programs to practice math concepts in a real contextualized manner.

Having Fun with Games-- Provides an opportunity for students to be more relaxed around math concepts and 'learn while playing'. Hands on, cooperative play allows students to approach math in a stress free environment.

Solving Problems -- Students are faced with a problem that they must solve as a team. They must practice collaboration and use problem solving skills, as well as put into practice concepts learned from the math unit, in order to complete a task or activity. 


Drop Everything And Read -- This is a time that will conveniently accommodate a variety of student interests and ability levels, since each student can either select or is given a book that is at their level. 

After students complete the reading they will then answer; discussion questions, do a comprehension quiz, complete phonics, grammar, word work tasks, etc. 

After they complete the reading and finish the after reading tasks, they will then get into Literature Circle groups and complete one job. 

At first I may assign jobs or limit the number of job choices, after students are familiar with the format, I will allow free choice.

Saturday 9 February 2019

Feb 9th

Welcome Back From C.N.Y Vacation

Here is the 2019 3B Schedule:

We have started our Data Management Unit, here is a mini review

Conducting A Survey
1. Ask a question (what do you want to know about people?)
2. Give people choices (6 max) 
3. Collect answers by using Tally Marks 
4. Count up the total that is in each choice and analyze the data! 
5. Express understanding of the data collected (What choice is most popular, least popular, how many more like choice A over choice B, How many people voted in total, etc)

We have conducted and collected a lot of classmate information surveys: Pets, favorite colour, # of people in family, favorite foods, etc. 

Sorting Items Into Categories

We sort by different attributes; size, shape, colour, number, etc. We have been practicing identifying and recognizing how and why we sort items. 

Rural Research

Rural Research citadel kidzsearch flocabulary quizlet LONG VIDEO: For viewing at home