Tuesday 27 March 2018

March 27th

Science: Soil Unit

Setup, Feeding and Maintenance of our Worm Bin

Today we set up the bedding for the worms! I prepared the bins at home by drilling holes in the bottom and sides of one bin for ventilation/ air circulation

Steps to Prepare Bedding
  1. Fill worm bin with dry bedding material. (leaves, shredded paper, etc.)
  2. Add water (approximately 2-3 litres) and mix contents.
  3. Bedding should be the consistency of a wet sponge.
  4. Add crushed eggshells
  5. Add soil
  6. Add more dry bedding or water as required.
  7. Add the worms.

Students made strips of paper and Cardboard to add to the bin

We added our crushed egg shells

We adding scoops of soil

Then Our Worms


Table 2 & Table 4 -Will be in charge of feeding the worms this week

We will be feeding them twice a week, we need to add 1lbs. of food scraps

What does that look like:

About a small container size full 

What can we Feed them?

Worm Food
Fruit/vegetable peelsCoffee grounds/filtersPlant cuttings
Tea bagsCrushed eggshellsBrown paper towels
Cooked pasta & rice (no sauce)Egg cartons/coffee traysBreads/cereals/grains
Leaves/grass clippingsBeard clippingsBeans

Please pack a little extra food for your child if they are sitting in Table 2 or Table 4 this week. These tables will also collect uneaten food after snack/lunch to fill the container to feed to the worms on Wednesday and Thursday.

Next week (April 3-6) will be Table 1 & Table 3

April 9- 13 will be Table 5

Rural Research

Rural Research citadel kidzsearch flocabulary quizlet LONG VIDEO: For viewing at home