Wednesday, 2 May 2018

May 2nd

Soil Unit

We've begun to investigate our soil unit in Science: We've learned the difference between soil and dirt.

Soil is made up of these main things:

1. Minerals
2. Water
3. Air
4. Organic Matter (insects, worms, bacteria, dead leaves, fungi)/ Nutrients = Humus layer

Next we looked at the different types of soil:

Students made a 4-fold organizer after doing a "Gallery Walk" of the information posters above

Next I posed an Investigation for the students to problem solve through:

I showed them these 4 containers of dirt and told the students that they had been taken for a ecological study. The city wanted to know why some areas where experiencing certain problems.
The problem was that they forgot which sample came from which location and needed help matching the sample to the specific area based on the problem/soil type.

Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Problem 3:

Problem 4:

One group of students discussed the 4 types of soils and their properties based on the 4-fold activity we did earlier, my EA lead this activity. The other group of students came outside with me to investigate the samples.

This was the worksheet to accompany the investigation:

We went through each soil sample and explored properties of each one (Colour, size, texture, water absorption, tight or loose packed)

We then met as a whole group and discussed what sample came from which problem and why (based on their observation of the samples and knowledge of how that soil acts)

We had a final vote and then I revealed the Answer:

1 = Loam     C. Plants and vegetables low on nutrients
2 = Silt           B. Runoff in a lake is causing fish to die
3 = Clay                    A. Flooding near a farmer's field
4 = Sand                     D. Nothing growing in sector 5

Students checked their vote and made corrections!

Rural Research

Rural Research citadel kidzsearch flocabulary quizlet LONG VIDEO: For viewing at home