Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Jan 18th

I must apologize, I was going to take photo's from today's Math and graphing activities but of course it ran out of battery! We did an activity called a Gallery Walk, were students went from station to station answering some 'get to know you' questions. We then used these questions to discuss what they all had in common.  We created a Know/Learn chart and filled in the Know part; later we will fill in the Learn part after doing some whole group and small group Bar Graph creating with the data collected from the Gallery Walk.

We will be using the above vocabulary for our Data Management unit

The students then where given a problem from a 'Toy Company' that required them to work in small groups, to use data collecting to help them pick a new toy.


1) Please purchase books from Sunway: 1 Art, 1 Math, 1 Science, 1 Mandarin, 2 Language with blank space, 2 with full page of lines

2) Malay Teacher would also like you to purchase a Malay-Engish dictionary

3) Gym tomorrow! Make sure students have proper shoes

4) Students need wristband to be able to check out books from the Library

5) Opening of CITRINE HUB Friday @ 11am. We will be walking the students over for festivities~


Practice tomorrow or Friday the following

Rural Research

Rural Research citadel kidzsearch flocabulary quizlet LONG VIDEO: For viewing at home